Adapt These 5 Lifestyle Swaps For Sustainable Weight Loss

Adapt These 5 Lifestyle

Adapt These 5 Lifestyle Swaps For Sustainable Weight Loss

We live in a world where everyone wants to have a slim waist, lean legs, and a size 0 figure. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle is said to be the biggest culprit in weight gain. Due to these unhealthy lifestyle habits, it is not only your weight but also your overall health that is affected. To lose weight in a sustainable way and live a healthier lifestyle, follow these 5 simple lifestyle swaps.

#1. Swap Sugar With Jaggery

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Wedding season will be in the middle and most of us cannot resist those delicious sweet and spongy cakes. Having a sweet tooth is not a bad thing but how you satisfy it is what matters most. Sweets are not our enemy as long as you are conscious of eating them. Refined white sugar present in your sweets will not only increase your weight but also adversely affect your health.

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Better digestion leads to faster metabolism which means more calories burned in less time. Eating jaggery instead of sugar is one of the most effective ways to lose weight as it stays with you in the long run.

Start by adding jaggery powder to your cup of tea or coffee and eventually start using it in your dessert preparations instead of that white sugar.

#2. Fruits with Fruit Juice

Health Tips

Where you may have heard that drinking a glass of fresh fruit juice with breakfast can be beneficial to your health, here is where that bubble is bursting. Whereas fresh fruit juice is not harmful to your health but that extra effort in the morning is not doing you any good either. When you juice a fruit, you discard all the pulp present in it. This pulp is rich in fiber and something that enhances the nutritional value of the fruit. Cutting out fiber-rich pulp deprives you of getting enough fiber and therefore affects your weight loss. The use of fiber in weight loss is considered very promising. This fiber helps prevent any kind of overeating or binge eating as it takes longer to digest and therefore keeps you fuller for longer.

Start saving those 10 minutes in the morning and grab a fruit on your way to work instead of juicing it and reducing its nutritional value.

#3. Ignoring Sleep with a Sound Sleep

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While this craving to watch one last episode never ends, it affects your sleep schedule to a great extent. Disrupted sleep schedules are blamed for weight gain. Getting good sleep helps you control your appetite which prevents overeating and late-night snacking.

#4. Cold water with Warm water

This idea may sound alluring and practical in this chilly winter but it is something that people tend to give up in the scorching heat of summer. Warm water is said to be a natural detoxifier and it improves the functioning of the digestive system as well as helps in better digestion. Consumption of warm water is said to increase the metabolic rate compared to cold water and hence contributes to faster weight loss. While some people find it difficult to drink hot water throughout the year,

#5. Sedentary lifestyle with an active lifestyle

If you are someone who spends most of the day behind your laptop screen on that couch or in that office chair, you need to get up and start exercising. An active lifestyle is not just about following a rigorous exercise regimen but more about the overall movement of your day. If your 9-5 job doesn’t allow you to make time for a walking or gym routine, start by making small changes. Start taking those stairs instead of taking the elevator, and park your car a little further away from your office so you can take small, short breaks throughout your day to walk around and engage in as much physical activity as possible. Being a couch potato will not help you lose weight and you need to stop being lazy and adopt an active lifestyle to get in shape and have a sustainable weight loss.

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