Dip In Cold Water Burns Fat, Prevents Diabetes In Men: Study
Dip In Cold Water Burns Fat, Prevents Diabetes In Men: Study.
Regular cold-water swimmers have often reported weight loss, better mental health, and increased libido suggests the review.
People have been using hydrotherapy for years now. It is interesting to know that water at different temperatures can have different health benefits. Experts claim that it can protect against obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Voluntary exposure to cold water and bodily effects
As per the lead author of the study, James Mercer, there is increasing scientific support that voluntary exposure to cold water might have beneficial health benefits. The following are some health benefits associated with cold water-
- Better circulation Exposure to cold water constricts the blood vessels on the surface of the skin. As blood moves away from the skin, blood flow to deeper tissues improves.
- Lower ‘fight or flight response’ Cortisol is the hormone that facilitates the body’s fight or flight response during times of stress. Researchers have shown that submerging yourself in cold water lowers cortisol levels.
- Reduces pain- According to a study, exposure to cold water triggers an automatic pain response that reduces body pain in stressful situations.
- Helps fight soreness and fatigue – Studies have shown that athletes who have been immersed in cold water have reported improved muscle soreness and reduced fatigue.
Cold Water helps burn calories and prevent diabetes
Included in the review were studies that studied the effects of cold water on inflammation, adipose tissue, blood circulation, the immune system, and oxidative stress. Following are some observations-
- Scientific analysis has shown that immersion in cold water causes a shock response that causes the heart rate to increase.
- Some studies have shown that swimmers who acclimate to cold water have a lower risk of cardiovascular disorders.
- The review also shows studies that find a positive link between cold water and brown adipose tissue (BAD), the good fat in the body that is activated by the cold and burns calories.
- It has also shown that exposure to cold water increases the production of adiponectin by adipose tissue, which plays an important role in protecting against insulin resistance, diabetes, and other diseases.
- It has also been shown that repeated immersion in cold water during the winter months significantly increases insulin sensitivity and decreases insulin concentrations in both experienced and inexperienced swimmers.
Still in debate
The review was inconclusive about the health benefits of cold water bathing and focused more on cold water swimming. Also, the studies analyzed involved a small number of participants and mostly one gender. The review team is still unsure whether winter swimmers are naturally healthy.
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