The problem of irregular bowel movements is usually called constipation. It is considered normal not to have regular bowel movements. Although constipation is not very serious, regular bowel movements provide normal condition and well-being to the body.
The difference in the time of normal defecation can be noticed especially in individuals. Many people have the habit of going to the toilet 3 times a day and many people 2-3 times a week. Both cases are normal. However, if you do not have a bowel movement for more than 3 days, it gradually hardens and then it becomes painful. Special measures should be taken at this time. Constipation must be prevented to maintain normal bodily functions. Preventive measures are easier if the causes are known.

Causes of constipation:

Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs large amounts of water. It occurs when the rectal muscles contract slowly causing the stool to move slowly and excrete more water. At one stage it becomes difficult.

1. If you do not take fibrous food regularly: Fiber or fibrous food retains fecal water and does not cause dryness. So those who make fibrous foods are less likely to have constipation. Excessive oily foods, fast food, open market foods, high fat foods, greasy meats, etc. cause constipation.

2. Physical Obesity: Regular daily activities and a little exercise protect against constipation. Walking is beneficial for digestion and helps in defecation at the right time. Older or sick people who are lying in bed or sitting can therefore have constipation. In that case, even a small amount of walking should be done.

3. Medications:  Some common medicines are one of the causes of constipation.
* Drugs can be the cause.
* Medications used to relieve anxiety.
* Calcium-rich drugs can make it.
* Antacids with aluminum are the cause of the disease.

4. Milk: Constipation occurs when many people drink milk or dairy products.

5. Pregnancy: This is one of the many physical disadvantages of pregnancy. Hormonal changes cause the uterus to expand and the esophagus to constrict, resulting in constipation.

6. Aging: As you grow older, your digestive system, like other internal organs, becomes less functional. So this problem can occur frequently at this time. In addition, many people have to take regular medication in old age, it may be due to it.

7. Sudden change in daily routine: During the day, work is normally disrupted while traveling. Eating, sleeping and toilet rules also change. These factors interfere with normal physiological function, which can lead to constipation.

8. Over-the-counter medications: Many people think they should go to the toilet once a day. So even if it does not apply to him, he takes digestive medicine. Such drugs can be counterproductive. Once disturbed, normal digestion is disrupted and the disease occurs only when the medication is stopped. This should never be the case.

9. Not drinking enough water: Drinking 4/5 liters of water a day reduces the risk of constipation. Makes the process of digestion of food easier.

10. Causes of rectal problems: It can be a symptom of a complex disease such as an internal ulcer, wound or tumor of the rectum.
So even if it is not very serious, if a complication occurs, a doctor’s advice should be taken.

What to do in case of piles or hemorrhoids

What to do in case of piles or hemorrhoids

It is considered normal not to have regular bowel movements. Although constipation is not very serious, regular bowel movements provide normal condition and well-being to the body.
The difference in the time of normal defecation can be noticed especially in individuals. Many people have the habit of going to the toilet 3 times a day and many people 2-3 times a week. Both cases are normal. However, if you do not have a bowel movement for more than 3 days, it gradually hardens and then it becomes painful. Special measures should be taken at this time. Constipation must be prevented to maintain normal bodily functions. Preventive measures are easier if the causes are known.

Symptoms of piles :
1. Painless bleeding during defecation
2. Anal itching or uncomfortable burning
3. Swelling of the anus and outer part
4. Feeling and pain in the anus
* Chronic constipation
* Diarrhea
* Lifting heavier things
* Pregnancy
* Apply extra pressure at the moment of defecation
* Sitting in one place for a long long time
* Chronic cough

Some precaution
Some small unnecessary habits can cause this disease. These should be avoided.

1. Never hold the toilet down: It’s a very common but important thing that many people don’t take seriously. Although they feel the pressure of the toilet, many people ignore it and keep working for a long time. This mentality must be abandoned. If pressure is felt, use the toilet as soon as possible.

2. Don’t sit in the toilet for long: Sitting on the toilet reading magazines, magazines or browsing the internet on mobile or tab and playing games has become a habit of many of us nowadays. This is a very harmful bad habit. This puts extra pressure on the anus and lower abdomen which is one of the causes of piles.

3. Excessive pressure should not be applied during defecation: Defecation should be done as long as necessary. It should not be done by applying excessive pressure quickly. This can cause the blood vessels to come out with extra pressure.

4. Exercise regularly: Exercising regularly keeps the body fit and eliminates excess weight. So it is necessary to take time out in the space of daily busyness to exercise or light exercise.
What can’t be done –
* Refrain from drinking extra tea / coffee. Soft drinks are harmful enough.
* Do not apply excessive salt or sour to food. For example, vinegar, lemon, green pepper, tomato, etc.
* It is also inappropriate to eat more eggs.
* Do not eat large amount of Gurupachya pulses.
* Oily foods and extra fried foods should not be eaten.
* Alcohol, tobacco use is completely prohibited.
* Avoid excessive exercise such as weight lifting etc.
* Should not wake up at night in large quantities.
* Refrain from long journeys.
* Do not sit in one place for a long time. If you sit for 1 hour then walk for ten minutes.

Eating habits :
* Drink plenty of water. At least 4-5 liters a day.
* Liquid food and easily digestible pulses should be eaten.

* Carrots and radishes are quite effective. In case of symptoms of piles, 50-100 ml of mulberry juice is taken twice a day.
* Eat more fibrous foods. Foods like papaya, gourd, stalk spinach, squid, dhundal etc. are easily digestible and beneficial.
* More fruits should be eaten. Which will relieve constipation and is beneficial in all types of rectal problems. For example, papaya, guava, watermelon etc.

Home Remedies for Constipation :

How many times a day will you use the toilet depending on your daily physical activity, eating habits, age, gender and wellness. There is absolutely no fixed number of times a person will use the toilet as normal. The calculation is different for everyone. However, if the individual uses the toilet less than 2/3 times a week, then it is considered a problem. It is important to get rid of constipation for physical well-being.
Dehydration and not eating fibrous foods are usually the causes. However, constipation can also be a symptom of a serious illness such as anxiety, stress, hormonal changes, muscle problems or cancer.

Symptoms of constipation:
* Less than 3 times a week.
* Hardening and hardening like feces.
* Toilet tanning.
* Feeling obstructed in defecation.
* Not complete defecation every time.
Anal bleeding can also occur if there is an emergency. Necessary action should be taken if any one or two of the above symptoms occur.

Some home remedies for constipation

1. Eat more fibrous foods:

  • At least 2 cups of fiber or fiber foods must be eaten daily.
  • Potatoes, nuts, apples, bean sprouts, grains, cauliflower, spinach, stalks, etc. fibrous foods.
  •  There is no possibility of constipation and the body stays healthy by taking such food regularly.

2. Dates:
* Dates can be eaten with juice.
* Drinking this glass daily in the morning and at night before going to bed is beneficial.
* It is effective to chew ripe dates instead of juice.
* Fiber-rich dates prevent feces from becoming dehydrated and help in quick excretion.
* Prevents constipation by playing daily and is able to eliminate it instantly.

3. Olive oil:
* Eating 2 tablespoons of olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial.
* Olive oil helps keep stools slippery.
* It is effective to use in cooking.

4. Edible Coconut Oil:
* Constipation is relieved by taking half a teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning and evening.
* Can be eaten mixed with any food.
* One teaspoon should be eaten to get immediate benefits.
* If used after 2/3 days, hard stool is also excreted.

5. Baking soda:
* One teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a glass of lukewarm water should be drunk.
* Forced to come to the toilet in a very short time.
* Playing on an empty stomach can be more beneficial.
* However, regular eating is inappropriate, if it becomes a habit, the normal digestion process is affected.

6. Wheat itself:
* 20-25 grams of wheat can be eaten in soup by burning it yourself.
* Can be eaten as bread, cake or thick juice.
* Constipation does not occur if it is on the daily food list.

7. Herbal Tea:
* Boil water in a pot and then soak herbal tea in it for at least 30 minutes. If the juice is well mixed with water, it should be drunk.
* Drinking three to four cups a day is quite effective.

8. Castor oil:
* Drink 1 teaspoon of castor oil every morning to get rid of constipation forever.
* If it tastes bad, it can be mixed with hot lemon juice or hot milk.

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