Doctor You Need aims to create a perfect guide to Doctor’s , Hospital’s & Ambulance Services information of Bangladesh – Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Rangpur, Barisal, Mymensingh , & India – Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Punjab based on your experience and contribution so that anyone can easily find their preferred Specialist Doctor and their serial contact details. Also get hospital emergency contact number and their services details.
Doctor You Need is an online community of doctors where your reviews, pictures, posts and suggestions of Patient helps other Patients know better!
It’s all about doctors in Bangladesh & India, places to the hospital, new items to try and your opinions about doctors & hospitals.
Use the information to help you decide. But don’t rely on it entirely. Consider what else you know, too.
We constantly look for volunteers, team members who want to be a part of Doctor You Need and give their time to make it better. If you are interested, just Contact us or email us at hello[at]
Join Us, let’s have some important reviewing the doctor.
Note: There is no affiliation with any hospital, doctor or ambulance service with this website. All information, phone numbers and addresses published here are collected from hospitals and various websites.