Dr Aysha Javed
Specialty – Dermatology.
Special interests: General Dermatology, Dermatology Surgery, Acne and Rosacea, Vulval disease, Skin lesions, Skin cancer, Paediatric dermatology.
Qualifications: MBChB, MRCP (UK), MRCP Derm.
Designation: Dermatologist.
GMC number: 6140623.
Practicing since: 2006.
Clinical Expertise: Dermatology, Skin surgery, Mole removal, Skin pigmentation, Skin cancer surgery, Skin assessment clinic, Dermatological surgery, Excision of skin lesions.
About Dr Aysha Javed
Consultation times: Weekly Wednesday 17:30 – 20:30
Visiting Hour: By Appointment Only.
Spoken Language: English
Appointment: 0300 123 6200 & Online Appointment Here.
Clinic Details: Nuffield Health – Chester, The Grosvenor Hospital, Wrexham Road, Chester, CH4 7QP, UK.
General Enquire for Hospital: 01244 680 444.
Doctor Enquire: 01244 684 325 or Private Secretary 07576 117355.