Dr Jennifer Posen
Specialties – Clinical Haematology.
Qualifications: MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA.
Practices: Sydney Adventist Hospital Haematology Dept 185 Fox Valley Road WAHROONGA.
Phone: (02) 9480 9500.
Fax: (02) 9480 9535.
About Dr Jennifer Posen
Dr Jennifer Posen is a consultant physician in hematology, with interests in general hematology, haematinic deficiencies, and coagulation disorders including thromboembolic disease, bleeding abnormalities, and hemochromatosis. He is also a pathologist, who specializes in hematology and can advise on hematological pathology results, transfusion problems, and bone marrow tests.
Appointment: Online Appointment Here.
Hospital Details: Sydney Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley Road Wahroonga NSW 2076.
Phone: 02 9480 9111.
Fax: 02 9480 9266.
Email: [email protected].
We do not answer specific medical questions, book doctor appointments, or make referrals via email. We will usually respond within 5 business days if your inquiry requires a response. For urgent inquiries please phone 02 9480 9111.
Read More: Dr Raymond McKinley.