Dr Md Motiul Hossain

Dr. Md. Motiul Hossain

Specialty: Skin / Dermatology.

Degree:  MBBS (DMC), FCPS (Skin & DV).
Department: Dermatologist.
Visiting Hour:
Practice Days: Every day.

About Dr Md Motiul Hossain
Asst. Prof. Dr. Motiul Hossain is a proficient Dermatologist specializing in skin and venereal diseases. He completed his MBBS from Dhaka Medical College (DMC), showcasing his foundational medical education. Doctor Hossain’s pursuit of specialization led him to attain an FCPS (Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons) in Skin and Venereal Diseases, highlighting his dedication to advanced training and expertise in dermatology. Dr. Hossain provides comprehensive dermatological care, operating from his primary chamber at the Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd in Uttara (Garib-E-Newaz Branch). His specialization in skin and venereal diseases enables him to offer various treatments for various skin conditions and venereal ailments. Dr. Hossain’s commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements in dermatology ensures that patients receive personalized and effective care for their skin-related concerns. For appointments or additional information, please contact us at 09611 530 530.

Appointment Number (For Serial):  +880 9613787812 +88051 69501 +88051 69502 +88051 69503.
Chamber Name & Address: Popular Diagnostic Center Ltd. (BOGRA (U-1) Branch) H # 12/305, Thanthania Bus-Stand Sherpur Road, Bogura.

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