Being healthy (and then staying healthy) is important to every aspect of our lives – whether it’s physical fitness, emotional well-being, cognitive function, or even work productivity and efficiency. A healthy body makes it much easier to achieve overall wellness than an unhealthy body. Not to mention, just the feeling of health is priceless.
A good lifestyle directly benefits your health. We all know the basics of home health care – avoid junk food, get enough sleep, keep alcohol to a minimum, stay away from tobacco, and the main thing: eat healthily. But without taking drastic measures, there is much more we can do to stay healthy. In this article, we discuss ten easy-to-do wellness tips to help you stay on top of your health.
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Large vs. small sections and plates
3. Get Your Heart Pumping
4. 20-20-20 is for 20-20-20
5. Sunscreen
6. probiotics
7. Regular checkups and blood test
8. Vitamins & Supplements
9. A sound mind
10. Good sleep
Water is often one of the most neglected aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Although the answer to how many bottles of water you should drink per day is not straightforward, research suggests drinking at least 8-10 8 oz. A daily glass can help the body digest food more easily, absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. Adequate hydration can help regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, protect the spinal cord, and eliminate waste through sweat and urine.
Today, 95% of the population drinks less water than the recommended daily intake.
Large versus small parts and plates
Here’s an important nutrition tip you may not have expected – manage your plate size. It turns out that in some cases, healthy eating is even dependent on psychology. A study once found that people who eat average-sized portions on large plates feel deprived, while the same portions on small plates satisfy people’s appetite more easily. Which sample group do you think would be more likely to go for seconds?
Get Your Heart Pumping
Cardiovascular exercise, or cardio, is probably the most obvious of all the items on this list, and a cliche is a cliche for good reason. The many benefits of jumping on your treadmill for a 20-minute light jog daily (or for that matter, even an outdoor brisk walk) can include:
Stress reduction
Blood pressure decreased
Lowers cholesterol levels
Weight control
Improved quality of sleep
The answer to the question of how many miles per week should you run to stay healthy is actually a simple one. Scientists recommend anywhere between six-seven miles per week as a minimum. However, if you’re short on time and want to get fit the easy way, the Scientific 7-Minute Workout is a great way to keep your weight off.
The sun doesn’t go easy on your skin. Overexposure to the sun not only causes rapid aging, but it can also kill skin cells (sunburn) and damage tissues, destroy collagen and even cause cancer. Sunscreen lotion is an excellent shield against sun damage, but because of the variety of options out there, each type of sunscreen lotion has its own characteristics. For full protection against UVB and UVA rays, it’s important to choose a lotion with an SPF greater than 15, and at least one of the following ingredients: Ecamsul, avobenzone, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone, or zinc oxide.
The probiotics
Probiotics contain live microorganisms that can not only promote digestive health, but also prevent several health conditions, including bacterial infections, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is important to choose the right probiotic for your condition because different strains of probiotics have different benefits. Probiotics come in all shapes and forms. Although mostly consumed in pill form, general probiotics can also be found in fermented dairy products, other fermented foods, and probiotic-fortified foods.
Regular checkups and blood tests
Medical check-ups and blood tests are the most effective way to know more about your body and health. Blood tests will inform you about diseases and health conditions and trends of any health conditions. They can also indicate how optimally your organs are functioning, how drugs are working in your system, and what you need to do to improve your health overall. Lenco offers a number of test panels to help you not only monitor a specific health condition but also stay on top of your health, from the comfort of your home or office.
Vitamins and Supplements
Although nutritionists always recommend a healthy diet before supplementing the diet. These include several healthy foods. If you don’t like vegetables and fruits in your meals, consider eating vegetable snacks and fruit snacks – especially for breakfast. That being said, a daily organic multivitamin is an excellent addition to your healthcare routine. Over the long term, multivitamins can help boost immunity, improve mental well-being, and help address nutritional deficiencies. Lenco’s vitamin deficiency panels help you discover your nutritional deficiencies so you can take conscious steps toward improving your overall health.
a healthy mind
Although the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are endless, a healthy mind is just as important. A healthy mind is strengthened by doing the things you love, spending time with the people you care about, and dealing with stress in your daily activities. A healthy mind can do wonders for the body, and unlike many of the items on this list, external medicine isn’t always necessary for a healthy mind.
sleep good
A well-rested body is more than just well-rested. 7-8 hours of sleep per day can help boost your immune system, control body weight, sharpen your mind, and improve your memory. In fact, a good night’s sleep can boost your mood, improve cardiovascular health and keep your blood sugar levels stable. The martial arts method, the 4-7-8 breathing method, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques are excellent ways to help you fall asleep faster.