Mr W James White

Specialty – Orthopaedic Surgery

Qualifications: MBBS (UCL), BSc(Hons), FRCS(Tr&Orth)
Designation: Consultant Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon
Clinical Expertise: Orthopaedic Surgery, Arthroscopic Shoulder and Elbow surgery: shoulder and elbow instability, rotator cuff tears, tendon injuries, frozen shoulder, soft tissue reconstruction, and arthritis. Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty: shoulder replacement surgery (hemiarthroplasty, total shoulder – stemmed/short-stemmed/stemless, and reverse) and Elbow total and Hemi-replacement. He utilizes modern 3D planning techniques to ensure accurate implant placement. Upper Limb Trauma: significant experience in complex reconstruction of the shoulder and elbow bony and soft tissue trauma including arthroplasty.
Visiting Hour: By Appointment Only.
Spoken Language: English

Location: London
Appointment: LONDON: 020 7079 2100 &  Online Appointment Here.
Clinic Details: Phoenix Hospital GroupWeymouth Street Hospital,
Address-1: 42-46 Weymouth Street, London W1G 6NP
Address-2: 9 Harley Street, London W1G 9QY
Address-3: 25 Harley Street, London W1G 9QW
General Inquiries: 02039265615

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