Slideshow Walking Mistakes

Slideshow Walking Mistakes

wrong shoes

You probably already know that high heels are not the best choice. Tennis and basketball shoes also present problems. The stiffness of these court shoes helps with quick lateral movement but hinders the ankle-to-foot flexibility that is good for walking. Look for a shoe with a well-padded heel that is lightweight, breathable, and water-resistant. A running shoe can work alongside a walking-specific model.

become poor

If your shoes are too loose, they won’t give you the support you need. Too tight and they may rub and cause calluses or corns. They should feel comfortable in the shop: wide enough to wiggle your toes comfortably but snug enough to keep your foot from sliding around. Shop later in the afternoon when your feet are slightly swollen so you get a good idea of your true size.
A sector stuck

stuck in a sector

If you take the same route every day, you may get bored and lose interest in your walk. Change it regularly to keep it interesting. Not only is it good for your mood and motivation, it changes things for your muscles and joints too. These can add intensity and strengthen the thighs, hamstrings, and glute muscles.
Tune out

cool out

You might like to escape to your own music or podcast, but it can be unsafe if it’s too loud. If you must listen, look for headphones that block outside noise, and keep the volume low enough so you can hear what’s going on around you: a speeding bus, a car honking, a barking dog, an ambulance siren.

Staring at your screen

Look at your phone while walking and you can get in trouble. You can trip or even step into traffic. It is a lot. Phone-related pedestrian injuries have more than doubled since 2004, and most pedestrians — 60% — are distracted by their phones or something else. Stop, move out of the way, and finish your business before walking again.

Dajane is lonely

Don’t leave Fido at home. He’ll be thrilled to join you on a walk around the neighborhood. And that enthusiasm might just rub off. It appears that people who own dogs and take them for regular walks are more likely to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, which is the minimum recommended by experts for good health. Slideshow Walking Mistakes

Losing count

It is important to count the steps or miles or kilometers or minutes.  It can also help motivate you. The people who tracked the steps took about 27% more than those who did not in a study group. This added an average of 2,500 steps per day. You can track yours with an app on your phone or with a cheap device called a pedometer.

Out Of Touch

So don’t leave it at home. You can use it to find a map if you get lost or call someone in an emergency. And it can be a useful way to track your distance and location Just remember to charge it before you go.

The slumped stance

You may have a hunched posture from sitting at a computer all day. But don’t bring it on your walk! Correct walking posture can help you walk faster and longer and help prevent injuries. Try to lift your spine as if a string is pulling you above your head. Your eyes should be forward, your shoulders down, back and relaxed. Swing your arms naturally and freely as you step slightly from heel to toe.

can’t see

Bright colors and reflective clothing will help drivers and others see you if you’re walking in the dark at dusk or early in the morning. You can also bring a light to help you see where you are going and to make yourself more visible. It’s easiest for others to see you when reflectors or lights are on parts of your body that are moving, like your arms or legs.

the wrong drink

Are you going to treat yourself to a soda during your walk? You’ll end up with too much sugar and more calories than you want. How about a sports drink? Water is the best way to stay hydrated while you walk. Reward yourself with something else that is good for you, such as talking to a friend.

Do not stretch afterward

Give your leg muscles—especially your calves—a gentle stretch when you’re done walking. This will help you stay flexible. Don’t overdo it — the stretch shouldn’t hurt — and don’t bounce. Hold each stretch for 10-20 seconds. Use a chair or a wall to keep your balance.

Slideshow Walking Mistakes

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