The Best Health & Fitness Tips

The Best Health & Fitness Tips

As Muslims, we follow Islamic teachings and incorporate related practices into our lifestyles because they benefit us spiritually, physically, and mentally. Many of these practices have also been confirmed by science, confirming that Islamic insights regarding a positive and healthy lifestyle are in place!

So, here are 9 Islamic tips on how you can achieve your health and wellness goals the right way:

1- Practice restraint in diet

Eating and drinking in moderation is also an act of worship as our Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasized its importance on multiple occasions.

Islamic practice suggests that our diet should be in such proportions that the stomach is filled with one-third of food, one-third liquid, and one-third of breath.

Science also proves that this one-third rule is the best diet plan because it prevents overeating while helping with weight loss, eating disorders, and anxiety.

2- Refrain from consuming alcohol or pork

Dietary restrictions on alcohol and pork in Islam are also a factor. Consumption of alcohol and pork introduces different diseases in our bodies, targeting different organs.

Although Islam has always emphasized the importance of avoiding these two prohibitions, now science also supports it with various theories on how consuming alcohol and pork destroy our system and negatively affects our physical and mental health.

3-Eat slowly

Eating slowly helps in the digestion process.

In other words, when we take the time to chew our food, it helps our body digest the content without requiring extra energy from our stomach or intestines.

4- Hydrate the correct way

Science today proves that drinking too much water in a short period of time can lead to headaches, dizziness, and imbalances in blood electrolyte levels.

On the other hand, drinking slowly and little by little is Sunnah. In addition, it helps our body absorb fluids better, resulting in better hydration and health.

5- Don’t forget dental hygiene

Sadly, dental hygiene is one of the most neglected areas in health maintenance. Despite the relaxation, several studies have shown that a large percentage of people who neglect dental hygiene are at higher risk of heart disease.

The importance of dental hygiene can also be proved by the fact that our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) always performed miswak before and after sleeping, paying special attention to dental hygiene.

6-Avoid anger

Anger gives way to many more bad qualities. However, it should be noted that succumbing to these toxic feelings puts our hearts at greater risk, increases the chance of stroke, and weakens our immune system.

7- Stay active

Islam says that a strong believer, in health and mind, is the most beloved to Allah, especially when one has full control over his body and does not suffer from any dreaded disease.

After all, a person who is physically strong is also more zealous in their faith and worships Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

8- Allow yourself a good night’s sleep

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never deprived himself of a good night’s sleep, nor did he oversleep. He used to sleep early in the night after Esha and wake up early in the morning before Fajr.

Science also shows that this ‘early to bed and early to rise’ schedule helps us maintain a healthy BMI, be more productive during the day and avoid serious health issues including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

9- Salah has healing

Finally, let’s not forget about the heart – one of the most important organs in our body. Movements during Salah are an excellent source of cardiovascular exercise as they keep the blood flowing.

Not to mention, prayer keeps our mind clear of all impure thoughts, positively enhancing our mental well-being.

We hope these Islamic health and fitness tips help you lead a more productive and fulfilled life!

The Best Health & Fitness Tips

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