There Are Many Tests in Full Body Checkup

According to health experts, a full body check-up should be done once or twice a year. On the other hand, if you are over 50 or 60, you should have a full-body exam twice a year.

We all want that we and our family stay healthy and stay away from diseases. As important as diet and lifestyle are for this, regular body check-ups are equally important. Yes, just as a man takes care of his food and drink, we should examine our bodies from time to time. This item applies to full-body testing.

If a person is checked before a major disease develops, his life can be saved or treated in time. There are very few people in India who regularly do their full body checkups. According to health experts, a full body check-up should be done once or twice a year. On the other hand, if you are over 50 or 60, you should have a full-body exam twice a year.

The biggest advantage of a full body checkup is that you can detect any disease or problem in the body in time and take necessary measures or treatment for it. When it comes to body checkups, people often wonder how many tests are included in a full body checkup and which tests are necessary.

In most full-body exams, doctors first measure the person’s weight and height. After that, heart rate along with body blood pressure and oxygen levels are detected. After that, the doctor suggests you undergo various tests. Although a separate S is associated with each body part, in a full body checkup, essentially 7 to 8 tests are performed to get an assessment of the person’s entire body. Doctors also advise a person to undergo these 7 to 8 tests full body checkup first.

These 8 tests are required

A full body checkup includes your urine test, eye and ear test, blood sugar test, lipid profile, kidney function test, liver function test, cancer test, blood test, etc. Note, the doctor first assesses your body after which you are advised various tests.

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